EMC提高驱动器价格 归咎于泰国洪水
El Reg网站发出了一封来自EMC给他们的Velocity渠道合作伙伴信函的副本,提到了磁盘驱动器的价格将从2012年1月1日起上涨5%至15%。
El Reg网站发出了一封来自EMC给他们的Velocity渠道合作伙伴信函的副本,提到了磁盘驱动器的价格将从2012年1月1日起上涨5%至15%。 很明显价格上涨的原因是由泰国洪水造成的驱动器短缺。这导致了零售驱动器的价格上涨,也影响了许多磁盘驱动器的OEM交易。 然而,到现在为止还没有主要的存储阵列或服务器供应商表示他们将不得不提高价格。 EMC提高磁盘驱动器价格的信函 信函中的文字如下: Attention: Important Change to Drive Pricing in January 2012 The tragic, persistent flooding in Thailand has impacted the cost of hard disk drives in the global marketplace. EMC typically adjusts drive pricing on a quarterly basis, passing through cost changes from our suppliers, usually in the form of lower drive prices. In Q4, EMC did just that, absorbing the cost increases in order to shield our partners and customers from the impact of higher drive pricing. We have determined however that we must raise prices in Q1 for an indefinite period of time in order to offset the continued high drive prices we are seeing from our primary suppliers. As a result, our Q1 2012 HDD list prices will rise between 5-15% over Q4 2011 levels. This increase will apply to HDD list prices across all EMC business lines. All current pricing will be honored until the end of 2011. This increase will not take effect before January 1, 2012. While we hope that this increase is temporary, at this time we cannot fore___cast how long the flooding in Thailand will impact HDD pricing. Please prepare your customers for this increase. Do not allow them to be surprised by the increase after it takes effect. Please direct any questions to your EMC Distributor or EMC Channel Ac_countManager. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Gregg Ambulos SVP Global Channel Sales EMC Corporation 我们已要求EMC对此进行评论,但是迄今为止还没有得到响应。其他存储阵列供应商如NetApp,不知道未来是否有类似的提价。但由于EMC打开了这扇门,如果价格的提高开始发生将不会令人吃惊。
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