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来源:kaiyun体育官方人口   作者:Steven Cheung
2012/2/23 9:57:16

本文关键字: 移动应用 框架 解决方案


Column 3: Information Model –  What information is needed and how they are presented to the customers?


Business stakeholder’s view


Internal & External Data Requirements


 Internal & External integration requirements

          Integration to backend - Is data readily extractable from backend systems in a consistent manner?


          Speed of retrieval - What are the challenges in retrieving real-time information?

          External interfaces - What external interfaces are used by the processes and can we make arrangement to obtain them?   

          Data integration - Is data integrated across all contact points, i.e. telephonic, e-mail, fax and direct web entry, for consolidated reporting?


Designer’s view   

Data Model & privacy




           Data model completeness - How complete and accurate is the existing data model to support the mobile application? How much change is necessary?

          Synchronization strategy - Can it deal with voluminous data being imported and exported at high frequency?

          Data Privacy – Is policy clearly understood by developers e.g. data sharing, encryption, data sensitivity etc.?

          Data Security- Are there sufficient safeguard in place and the issues understood e.g. authentication and identification, Intrusion Detection etc.?



Implementer’s view

Database performance



Database performance

          Do you have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for real-time information to be delivered to the user?

          What data compression and synchronization techniques will be employed?

          How well does database provide users and the company against security and privacy breaches?




Column 4: Technology Model –   What technology considerations are required to build the mobile application?


Business stakeholder’s view

 Technology Landscape  Assessments 


           Is the business prepared to invest in additional infrastructure to support mobile application in the long run?

          Is the company prepared to _updatethe technology skills of IT to deal with the different needs?

          Is IT prepared to change the culture to a perhaps more nimble organization to deal with the mobile applications’ future demands?

          What is the strategy regarding device selection, deployment of security patches, support for the variety of devices, and version upgrades etc. Is there a separate strategy for enterprise users and consumer?


Designer’s view   

Technical design




 How can the technology landscape support mobile computing?
(a) Solution Architect’s view

·         Technology planning for changing technology –what solution will not become outdated before achieving the ROI of the investments.

          Is there a sound architecture for the mobile technology solution? What is the technology plan for IT in supporting Mobility? Does it require significant upgrade?

          What development platform (IDE, O/S, Web Browser, Shareware, test tools etc.) is required to implement the mobile technology?

          What Mobile DBMS (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server CE) and Centralized DMBS will be used?  


          What web analytic tools will be used to monitor web metrics?

(b) Infrastructure Designer’s view

          What additional network capabilities are needed and protocol selected?

·         What are the required connectivity protocols - Next, the connectivity protocols need to be defined? 

          Is help-desk capability sufficient to support sudden increase in user base?

( C)  Device Consideration

·         Popular brands of  device and with internet access

·         System to support different web browsers versions

·         User desire for device independence – i.e., ensuring that all mobile device users can access the mobile applications and input data comfortably.

·         How long is the battery life in terms of the application need to stay online?


·         Display area that is in synch with the amount of data to be shown.

·         Different considerations for devices geared towards mandatory usage like employees and sales agents vs. voluntary usage like consumer.



(d) Security Officer’s view   


·         How should perimeter and device security, identity management and access to sensitive data over the network be handled?

·         How should mobility solutions be implemented across wired and wireless LANs to provide individual users secure access anytime, anywhere?

·         Shall data in device self-destruct when device is lost?

Implementer’s view

Rollout plans and plan for maintenance




           Do you plan to develop the application in-house or outsource it?

          What is the cost market share and technical obsolescence risk of the device if it is mandated (in the case of employee use)? 

          Do you have highly secured wireless network for financial and sensitive data transmission which passes legal requirements?

          Does your test team have special test strategy for mobile computing particularly around (a) network infrastructure (b) database synching and (c) security (d) application on mobile platform (e) devices and browsers?



The burning question you might have at this point is how to get started? Look at two basic dimensions (1) what is the  ROI and value propositions for the first project as mentioned above and (2) how can existing web applications be turned into a mobile application with relatively less effort.


Examine the_chart below the two dimensions are the X and Y axis. The size of the bubble represents the size of the investment. The top right quadrant is the low hanging fruit, but whether you pick the larger bubble or the small ones  is a matter of risk appetite. 




If you were wishing that your solution would not be a throw away, review the matrix and at least generate a healthy discussion. The list of questions will not be exhaustive by any means, but they should get you started in the right direction.

If you are looking for a proof of concept only, you would still find this a useful guide as there are still costs associated with such an activity. It does not matter all that much whether you go top down or bottom up. At any rate, take your thinking from one end to the other, you would have covered all the bases and the stakeholders in your business will appreciate the due diligence effort beforehand. Every company wants to have a presence in the market with their real game changer application or at least a token presence at the very least. This time won’t be any different. Here's the compromise -- all the requirements to do the right things don't have to all be done at once. Get the strategy right, and then plan your roadmap one piece at a time. 



Steven Cheung ,HCL大中华区负责人。HCL信息技术是全球领先的系统集成和IT服务公司,致力于帮助客户推动核心业务的进步和发展。HCL在全球拥有88000名员工,业务遍及31个国家。

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